You see, Google Ads is a versatile yet extremely simple platform to use. Creating an ad takes no more than a couple of minutes, and Google starts displaying it to anyone looking for keywords that you specified practically right away.
On top of that, you can also target users by location, language, and device they’re using. Also, by using remarketing, you can target people who have visited your site before.
Of course, success with this technique can be elusive and fleeting. For example, according to Search Engine Land research shared on the HubSpot blog, up to 80% of people ignore Google-sponsored ads. This means it’s critical that content marketers do the homework before venturing into the wonderful world of the AdWords auction process (or the similar ad-buying processes offered by Bing and other search engines). (More info on this can be found in the additional tips section below.)
A lot of advertising platforms allow you to promote your content to a highly specific audience, attract qualified traffic and leads, and grow your customer base. The downside? You have to pay for it, of course. Luckily, many of them aren’t expensive, especially if you consider the ROI they can generate.
Skippable video ads appear on specific videos and users can “skip” them after five seconds. These ads can be inserted before, during or after the actual video. According to Google, these ads are compatible with all devices – including desktop, mobile, TV, and game consoles.
Engaging content is your conduit to connect with your audience on social. Mostly brands don't consider the option of turning to paid influencers for interesting and relevant content. This is where paid word of mouth can boost your marketing strategy. Influencers' content and their following can spark organic conversations about your brand across social media platforms. There are millions of potential influencers and many companies are already starting to reap the benefits of working with targeted influencers on online and offline marketing campaigns. The key is to target and activate the right brand advocate/influencer who can bring your brand in front of the right consumers. Leading influencer marketplaces already connect hundreds of brands and agencies with the right influencers everyday. "Studies show that influencer content affects over 70% of purchasing decisions," says Rohit Vashist, CEO of Sverve. "Finding the right influencers, managing, and measuring their results is now possible with the technology Sverve brings to the market."
Why it works: Native advertising enables your business to extend its reach beyond its owned media channels, placing your content in front of new audiences who might be interested but unaware of your business or who operate outside your usual sphere of influence. Content promoted through this technique is positioned as useful, relevant information, which makes it less subject to ad blockers and “banner blindness” and more likely to be trusted.
The power of LinkedIn ads lies in their ability to target people not just by their demographics (age, gender, location, etc.), but also by such factors as a job title, employer, industry, company name, company size, skills, LinkedIn Groups they’re members of, and even interests.
Snap Ads are full-screen, video-centric ad units that can include text overlays, GIF-like motion graphics, sound (including voiceovers), cinemagraphs, slideshows, still images, and interactivity, as well as calls to action. You can also include Web View attachments in your campaigns, which add the ability to swipe up to view a web page that loads instantly – ideal for quickly teasing your content, then driving viewers to your site for further engagement.
Step 3. Find the cell in the level determined in Step 2, which contains the amount equal to the figure determined in Step 1. If such cell is available amount containined in the said cell will be the basic pay of the employee. If no such Cell is available in the applicable Level, amount in the immediate next higher Cell will be the basic pay of the employee concerned.
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