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Friday, September 30, 2022

ESIC Recruitment 2022 | Apply for Senior Resident Posts

ESIC Recruitment 2022 | Apply for Senior Resident Posts : ESIC has published an Advertisement for the below-mentioned Posts. Eligible Candidates advised to refer to the official advertisement and apply for this post. You can find other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee, and how to apply are given below.

Job Recruitment BoardEmployees’ State Insurance Scheme (ESIC)
Name Of PostsVarious
No. Of Posts80
Types Of JobsGovt Jobs
Job LocationNew Delhi, India

Posts Details

  • Senior Resident : 37 Posts
  • Senior Resident Against GDMO : 43 Posts

Eligibility Criteria For ESIC Recruitment 2022

Education Qualification

  • MBBS and PG Degree Or Diploma in Considered specialty from Recognized board and University.
  • More details Please Visit official notification

Salary/ Pay scale

  • As par Qualification/ As Par Rules

Application Fees

  • General Candidates : Rs.300/ –
  • SC/ST Candidates : Rs.75/-
  • PWD: Nothing

Age Limits

  • Not More Than 45 Years

How to Apply for ESIC Recruitment 2022?

  • Interested and Eligible candidates may present along with all necessary documents to the given address in the ESIC Recruitment 2022 Notification.

Note: The Applicants Are Requested to Read the Official Notification Carefully Before Apply.

Important Dates

  • Interview Dates : 06-10-2022 And 07-10-2022 – 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM


Download Official NotificationClick Here

Kirtidan GAdhvi Tahukar All part collection

 Kirtidan GAdhvi Tahukar All part collection

Kirtidan GAdhvi Tahukar 8 Launch

Looking for computer science courses to learn to code for web development or mobile app development in programming languages like C, C++, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and R? Want to learn data science, learn java, or learn sql online?

Gadhvi was born and raised in Valvod, Anand district, Gujarat. Kirtidan received his BPA and a MPA in music from the school of humanistic discipline , M. S. University, Vadodara under B. I. Mahant and Rajesh Kelkar.

He debuted at a cow protection rally in Jamnagar, Gujarat, in 2015 that raised Rs 45 million. He sang the song "Laadki" on the television program MTV Coke Studio along side Sachin–Jigar, Tanishka, and Rekha Bhardwaj in April 2015.

He is known for the dayras, folk songs and classical nuances.

He moved to Bhavnagar and have become a teacher at the Bhavnagar University. "Laadki", "Nagar Me Jogi Aaya" and "Gori Radha Ne Kaalo Kaan" are among his popular songs.

Prime Mnister Narendra Modi has appealed to the countrymen to come forward and help in the fight against Koro. For this, PM Modi has given information about the account details by tweeting from the Twitter handle. The state government, on the other hand, has also appealed for donations. An appeal has been made by the state government to make its voluntary contribution to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund. It has since been donated by artists, storytellers and temples in the state.

કિંજલ દવેની મુંબઈમાં અદભુત એન્ટ્રી 

જુના ગરબા જોવાની લીંક

આજના લાઈવ ગરબા જોવાની લીંક

આજના લાઈવ ગરબા જોવાની લીંક
કાજલ મહેરીયા લાઈવ ગરબાઅહીં ક્લિક કરો
કિર્તીદાન ગઢવી લાઈવ ગરબાઅહીં ક્લિક કરો
ગીતા રબારી લાઈવ ગરબાઅહીં ક્લિક કરો
કિંજલ દવે લાઈવ ગરબાઅહીં ક્લિક કરો
ફાલ્ગુની પાઠક લાઈવ ગરબાઅહીં ક્લિક કરો
વિક્રમ ઠાકોર લાઈવ ગરબાઅહીં ક્લિક કરો
ગાંધીનગર Cultural forum Live ગરબાઅહીં ક્લિક કરો

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Comedian Hakabha Gadhvi has made a big announcement to fight the Corona epidemic. He has announced to donate all the amount by keeping Rs 50,000 from the money in his bank. He has announced to donate all the money in his three accounts. He has announced to donate another Rs. 30,000 for household needs.

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 Mayabhai Ahir and Ramabhai Kamalia have donated Rs 11 lakh on behalf of Mangal Dham Charitable Trust Bhaguda. Along with this, Maya Ahir has also donated Rs 1,11,111 to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund.


Kirtidan GAdhvi Tahukar All part collection

The Corona virus has hit all industries, large and small. Many people have come forward to help these people when the worst hit are the poor. Chief Minister Vijay Rupani has appealed to donate to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund to help those affected by the Corona virus. As a part of which many people from all over Gujarat including various donors, organizations, artists have contributed generously to this relief fund.

It is a diary held in Ganadevi taluka of Navsari where rupee rained on Geeta Rabari and dollars also bounced along with it. Dior said that if District Panchayat President Amita Patel showered rupee, another person would throw dollars at her. It is to be mentioned that this diarrhea was organized for the benefit of orphans and for the benefit of ambulance. Ganadevi-Navsari MLAs including BJP leaders were also present in the diarrhea. The people present in the diarrhea were zoomed

Folk singer Kirtidan Gadhvi has donated Rs 11 lakh for the fight against Korona. One Gujarati writer after another is coming forward to help the government. Kirtidan Gadhvi has donated Rs 11 lakh and he has appealed to the people of Gujarat to follow the orders of the government and stay at home.


Thursday, September 29, 2022

Natural are remedies to the relieve constipation read all the information

 Natural are remedies to the relieve constipation read all the information

We call it is a constipation because we do not have a regular bowel movements every day. But in a terms of the health, after proper digestion and absorption of the food, the complete elimination of the feces which is a unnecessary for in the body without a any physical exertion is called a natural in a defecation. Constipation is when the stool is a active every day but in the mean while in the abdominal muscles have to be a pressed, the stool has to be emptied to the completely at the beginning or end of the stool in the activity. If the structure of the stool is a very hard or a lumps in a form, it may take a some time for in the stool to the protrude. Is this why a only daily bowel in a movements are done to the diagnose constipation? Not so much just seen. It is a important to know a whether the feces that can be a pushed out of the body move at the right time, completely and a easily with a natural in the impulses....

The way in the body feels it is a natural sensations of the hunger and thirst. In the same way, after in the digestion and nourishment of the food, the impulse for a excretion of the unnecessary excrement is also felt naturally and it is a necessary for a health not to stop the excretion of the excrement.

Among in the various causes of a Ayurveda

Ayurveda also considers the cessation of the hunger, thirst, sneezing, sneezing, fecal-urinary in the activity, etc., which are sent by a nature, to be a stopped. Inhibition of the velocity interferes with in the multi-dimensional biochemical processes in that take place in the coordination of the various organs of the body. Whose side effects cause diseases. That is why if time is a lost, the speed of the defecation is also stopped as a result of the engaging in other physical and mental activities, it has a side of effect on a various functions of the digestive in a system. Sending children to the school-college early in the morning, women rushing to the office or a business after finishing their housework, neglecting the sensations are required for a defecation by the body due to the embarrassment, time to a constraints are also seen to have a side effects on the regularity of the defecation.

Causes of constipationThe causes of the constipation can be a divided into three main in a sections.

Reasons for fecal communication:
Foods are low in a fiber and essential in a nutrients, low in a liquid foods and water, and have a side effects of the antidepressants, painkillers, intestinal obstruction, obstruction, and the passage of the feces easily due to the cancer or a other diseases.

Causes of pulse signaling:Intestinal in a flooding depends on the nerves are connected to it.
Impaired impulse is a experienced in a diseases of the nervous system such as a Parkinson's disease, multiple in a sclerosis. As a mentioned earlier, the natural impulse of the defecation is not a felt due to the busyness, stress, inattention in a other activities.

સંપૂર્ણ વીડિયો અહીંથી જુવો

Constipation is also caused by the effect of the weakness, weakness of the muscles of the pelvic in a area. Due to the weakness of the muscles used to fully activate in the stool from the rectum, the stool remains in the rectum even after the defecation. The stomach is not a cleansed properly, in the stomach feels like a load. .

Knowing all these causes, try to the find out which of them are responsible for a constipation or a incomplete bowel in a movements. Adopt a few easy-to-adopt remedial therapies regularly. Do not ignore constipation.

Regularity in a bowel in a movements - For a activation - Increase in the amount of the green leafy, fibrous vegetables in the diet, including greenback-spinach-tandoori-Sargon leaf-bathing vegetables at a regular intervals. In a addition to the wheat, rice, lentils, include to a peeled beans or a grown beans, salad, papaya-chiku and banana. Eat a fresh, hot food at the regular are intervals both in the times. Add liquid foods like a lentils, soups, curries, rasam to the diet. Drink a thinly sliced ​​buttermilk with a roasted cumin.

અહીંથી વાંચો ગુજરાતી રિપોર્ટ

Eat a fresh seasonal fruits like a almonds, dates and oily-fiber natural fruits by a removing a raisins, biscuits, pizza, bakery items from a breakfast.

Exercise:Do not just a rely on laxatives or a tablets to the relieve constipation. In a addition to the including in the right food and drink in the diet, the muscles of the pelvic area, especially in the muscles of the waist, hips and legs, should can be exercised to ensure proper blood circulation and activation. Sedentary life has a many side effects for a consultants, employees, traders, students who sit a longer. Adoption of the exercise in a daily life including walking, running, jogging, cycling, swimming, gym as per a convenience can increase muscle in a health, activity and get rid of the constipation without a medication.

Performing yogas like Pavanmuktasana, Shashankasana, Paschimottasana etc. with a proper guidance has a massage-like a effect on the abdominal muscles and abdominal in a organs. So that the activity of the digestive system are increases.

It is necessary to maintain regularity in digestion. But do not avoid it whenever you can feel in the urge to the defecate.

વીડિયો જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો
Experience achieved:Drink a 1 to 2 glasses of the lukewarm hot a water on an a empty stomach in the morning.

Soak a 2-3 drops of the water in a water overnight and eat it in the morning. Drink the water in which it is a soaked. If a necessary, do this is a experiment twice in the morning and evening.
Mix a 1 to 2 teaspoons of the Garmala Gar evenly with a water at the night as a required or a add one teaspoon of the castor oil with a lukewarm water at the night while sleeping and add a pinch of the ginger.

Online Salary Calculators Apk And Read Along Apk

 Online Salary Calculators Apk And Read Along Apk

About This App

Simple app to calculate salary for central and state employees

Indian salary calculator is a simple application to calculate salary.It is a handy app.It can work have to put values manually. It works for 7th pay commissions.(7th cpc)

Have fun as you learn to read English & more with the magic of your voice

Read Along (formerly Bolo) is a free and fun speech based reading tutor app designed for children aged 5 and above.


It helps them improve their reading skills in English and many other languages (Hindi, Bangla, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, Spanish & Portuguese) by encouraging them to read aloud interesting stories and collect stars and badges together with “Diya”, the friendly in app assistant.


સળંગ નોકરી salary online calculator 

આ પરિપત્ર ને અનુલક્ષીને અહી નીચે MY Gujju દવારા એક ઓનલાઈન કેલ્કયુલેટર બનાવવામાં આવેલ છે જેમાં આપ આપનો હાલનો સાતમાં પગારનો બેજીક એન્ટર કરવાથી આપને મળવાપાત્ર મોંઘવારી,ઘરભાડા અને મેડીકલ સાથેની કુલ પગારની ગણતરી ઓટોમેટીક થઇ જશે. ઉચ્ચતર પગાર ધોરણ મળવાના અમુક કિસ્સામાં પગારમાં થોડો ફેરફાર થઇ શકે છે.પ્રાથમિક શાળાના કર્મચારીઓને આ ગણતરી મુજબ આપવામાં આવેલ.


સળંગ નોકરી ગણાતા તમારા પગાર ની ગણતરી કરવા માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો

Important Link

1900 ગ્રેડ પે પગાર ગણતરી કરો આ નાના એપ દ્વારા

2400 ગ્રેડ પે પગાર ગણતરી કરો આ નાના એપ સાથે

2800 ગ્રેડ પે પગાર ગણતરી કરો આ નાના એપ સાથે

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4400 ગ્રેડ પે પગાર ગણતરી કરો આ નાના એપ સાથે

4600 ગ્રેડ પે પગાર ગણતરી કરો આ નાના એપ સાથે

સેલરી કેલ્ક્યુલેટર એપ ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક 

38 % મોંઘવારી મુજબ કુલ પગારની ગણતરી કરો.

Diya listens to children when they read and offers realtime positive feedback when they read well and helps them out when they get stuck – even when offline & without data!

Important Link

સેલરી કેલ્ક્યુલેટર એપ ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો


• Works Offline : Once downloaded, it works offline, so it does not use any data.

• Safe : Since the app is made for children, there are no ads, and all sensitive information stays only on the device.

• Free: The app is completly free to use and has a vast library of books with different reading levels from Pratham Books, Katha Kids & Chhota Bheem, with new books added regularly.

• Games: Educational games within the app, make the learning experience fun

• In-App Reading Assistant: Diya, the in-app reading assistant helps children read out loud and provides positive reinforcement when they read correctly, and help wherever they get stuck.

• Multi Child Profile: Multiple children can use the same app and create their individual profiles to track their own progress.

• Personalised: The app recommends the right level of difficulty books to each child depending on their reading level.

Languages available :

With Read Along, children can read a variety of fun and engaging stories in different languages including:
• English
• Hindi (हिंदी)
• Bangla (বাংলা)
• Urdu (اردو)
• Telugu (తెలుగు)
• Marathi (मराठी)
• Tamil (தமிழ்)
• Spanish (Español)
• Portuguese (Português)

With just 10 minutes of fun & practice every day, inspire your child to become a reading star for life!

Read along Application download kro

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BHEL has invited online applications for the recruitment of 400 Engineer Trainee & Supervisor Trainee Posts 2025.

  BHEL has invited online applications for the recruitment of 400 Engineer Trainee & Supervisor Trainee Posts 2025. Organization Bharat ...

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